You deserve a representative that really represents you.

When we stand together and VOTE, we can create the change we need. The people in District 12 deserve a Representative with honesty and integrity. We deserve government leaders that will fight to invest in our community and our families. It’s time for our government to focus on what’s really important.


You deserve a representative that really represents you.

When we stand together and VOTE, we can create the change we need. The people in District 12 deserve a Representative with honesty and integrity. We deserve government leaders that will fight to invest in our community and our families. It’s time for our government to focus on what’s really important.


A Message from DNC Chair Jaime Harrison

Dr. Jumelle Brooks

Raising a family here in Greenwood, Dr. Jumelle Brooks knows our community. She truly understands that we need a change for the better. Poor leadership from our current elected officials has left our families hurting. Our families are struggling to meet basic needs like food, shelter, and healthcare. There are discussions among several Representatives in our state government to pass bills that wouldn’t improve gender equality, but instead could return women to the status of second-class citizen. Our schools and teachers are overworked and underfunded because Republican leaders would rather support private projects than support our children’s future.

With over 19 years of combined experience in supervision, healthcare administration, and education, she’s personally experienced how Republican leadership has repeatedly failed the families in Greenwood.


We deserve better, and we need a change.

Jumelle isn’t campaigning to be our Representative in South Carolina House District 12 because she wants a career in politics. She is campaigning to build a shield of protection for the weak, and a solid, sounding voice for the unheard all while training the next generation to be equal and effective representatives of the people. Jumelle knows that if we all stand up and fight together, if we all come together and make our voices heard, we can make Greenwood a better place for our families to grow and thrive.

We’ll make our home a better place to live when we work together to GAIN ACCESS to PROSPERITY. 

Equitable Resources

The ability to satisfy basic needs, including food, water, shelter, clothing, and healthcare, allows society to create opportunities for sustainable growth. The process requires commitment from both the citizens and the government.

According to Masten et al. (2021), “To improve child well-being over the long run, we need to recognize the interconnectedness of many of the issues that families with children face and design federal and state policies that help them address those issues. We need to make sure families can meet their basic needs while we simultaneously fix our broken child care system so that more parents can return to the labor market.”

Believing that a person can rise above all obstacles without access to consistent bare life essentials keeps South Carolina within the cycle of poverty. This belief will continue to create obstacles trapping citizens into the poverty cycle, delay the implementation of strategies for sustainable success, and create an environment for developing more significant wealth gaps within the state.

I intend to focus on revamping or developing policies that will protect our children by creating and promoting programs that assist parents with getting those basic needs met without fear of being trapped.


Masten, C., Lombardi, J., & Fisher, P. (2021, October 28).  Helping Families Meet Basic Needs Enables Parents to Promote Children’s Healthy Growth, Development. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Protecting Public Education

South Carolina is a dynamic state with highly trained educators and staff members. These highly trained individuals come together to accomplish one of the most critical objectives required for economic growth at the individual and state levels. Recognizing that education is one of the pillars of economic sustainability, Dr. Brooks plans to continue to support school choice, but believes that public tax dollars should stay within the public school system. The concept of keeping public tax dollars for public schools ensures that there will be an adequate stream of funding coming into the school system, and this option has the best potential to benefit the majority.

We have struggled as a state to close the educational gaps with provided state funds and grant-based assistance; diverting those funds will widen the gap, which will take decades to fix. The support and buy-in from the parents and the local and state governments are crucial as we push to improve our academic standing in this nation. Dr. Brooks supports reinforcing the establishment of individual student goals, realistic teacher/school expectations, and specific guidance on parental assistance. Building bridges and appropriate placement of resources will join the school system with the parent (s) by encouraging frequent involvement for all walks of life while considering contributing factors such as work schedules and home dynamics.

Education is one of the pillars of society and has the potential to close many economic-impacted gaps. Therefore, emphasizing the development or expansion of programs/policies and procedures that strengthen this system would prove beneficial. How do we identify the appropriate programs, policies, and procedures to develop or expand? We ask teachers – those currently working and retired!

I intend to create or expand legislation that allows educators to work to strengthen the outcomes of South Carolina’s public school system. Our children deserve programs that support all education components including personnel such as bus drivers, custodian workers, substitute teachers, teacher assistants, teachers, etc. I will support these programs to deliver measurable outcomes with direct impacts.

Gender Equality

Women have built and supported civilizations through the centuries. In the United States, women have always worked, both inside and outside the home. Women have NOT always been paid for nor had their work acknowledged. Women have NOT always had the right to vote in elections that directly impacted them.

In 1919 the Federal Government gave women the right to vote by passing the 19th Amendment. They gave women a right to have a say in their futures. The state of South Carolina did NOT ratify the 19th Amendment until 1969 – 50 years later! In 1963 the Federal Government passed the Equal Pay Act. The state of South Carolina has NOT passed an equivalent law – 61 years later!

Today’s woman is expected to maintain all types of familial structure while fighting to secure leadership roles and gain equal benefits in their chosen fields of employment. Women have secured education and training but are still hindered when they try to advance and be equally compensated. Women need wealth opportunities, not just wage opportunities.

Recognizing that all genders have and require the opportunity to make a lasting impact on our society, we must acknowledge that the impact of women’s work has long exceeded expectations. Federal laws have demonstrated that ideology, but South Carolina lags.

Women’s ability to aid in progression is not trapped in one sector, but all of them. As women, we can make positive change to all things that must grow and lead South Carolina to the forefront of the country.

WOMEN in the NEW SOUTH support Dr. Jumelle Brooks

Although women are running for the state house in increasing numbers, they currently make up less than 16% of the state legislature. WINS wants to change that by using their resources to support and empower more progressive pro-choice female candidates to represent us. We need more women elected to political offices to fight for a woman’s right to her own healthcare choices.

Jumelle Brooks knows that women’s health should be a private discussion between the patient and doctor. Legislators’ personal opinions should never be a part of the conversation.

Endorsed by a world leader in women’s healthcare.

Planned Parenthood provides affordable high-quality healthcare far beyond the abortion services focused on by Republican leaders. They assist communities with pregnancy testing and planning, HIV services, prenatal and postpartum healthcare, wellness and preventive care, and even mental health services. Planned Parenthood is also the nation’s largest sex education provider. To put it simply, they are dedicated to the ideal that women should be able to live safe and healthy lives.

Jumelle is proud to have earned their endorsement and is ready to fight for everyone’s basic human right to be seen as EQUAL in the eye of the law.


SC’s leader in education stands behind Jumelle.

Since 1967, The South Carolina Education Association has been leading advocate for quality education in South Carolina. The SCEA works to promote public education and support public school employees, based on the understanding that the foundation of a strong democracy is high-quality public education.

As an experienced educator (and parent), Jumelle knows the true value of quality public education and understands that, without our support, our children’s future is at risk.

Recognized for her commitment to conservation.

Conservation Voters of South Carolina is a statewide organization that has been holding elected leaders directly accountable for a safe, clean, and healthy South Carolina since 2003. They are dedicated to protecting our air, land, water, and energy through pragmatic political action. CVSC’s mission is to make sure conservation and environmental issues are top priority for South Carolina’s elected leaders, political candidates, and voters.

Dr. Jumelle Brooks is honored to have earned the endorsement of the Conservation Voters of South Carolina, and is committed to fighting to keep our state clean and beautiful.

It's Time for a CHANGE.

In 2022, our current House Representative won the election for SC House District 12 by only 600 votes. Since then, the District 12 voting record has contributed to the passage of bills that have endangered women’s health, increased tax cuts for big corporations, put more unregulated weapons on the streets, and also voted AGAINST the Clementa Pinckney Hate Crimes Act

We have an opportunity to fix the damage caused by people that would rather speak for themselves than for us. To do this, though, we need your help and support. Now is the time to make your voice heard.

If we all speak out together on November 5th, we can change South Carolina for the better. 

Here's how you can help

We can win this election if we work together. If you haven’t already registered to vote, NOW IS THE TIME! We need your vote and your support to bring much needed change to Greenwood and McCormick.

The first step is to make sure you’re registered to vote, and then find your polling place. Next, click the “Let’s Win Together” link to volunteer and donate.

Register to Vote

You won’t be allowed to vote in this very important election if you’re not registered, and we need your support. Start here to go to the South Carolina Election Commission Voter Registration page. It will only take a few minutes to register online.

You also have the opportunity to mail in your registration form or register at the county office.

Locate Your Polling Place

Now that you’re registered to vote and ready to make your voice heard, you need to know where to go! When you register to vote, you’re assigned an official polling place. Be sure you’re going to the right place on Election Day so your vote can be counted. Click the link below to find out where you need to go to cast your ballot on Election Day. 

Make a Difference

OK, so you’re registered to vote and you know where to go. Now what? 

We need your help and support to win on November 5th. Stand with Jumelle as a volunteer and make Greenwood (and the rest of South Carolina) a better place for our families, or donate to help Jumelle take back SC House District 12 in 2024.

Here's how you can help

We can win this election if we work together. If you haven’t already registered to vote, NOW IS THE TIME! We need your vote and your support to bring much needed change to Greenwood and McCormick.

The first step is to make sure you’re registered to vote, and then find your polling place. Next, click the “Let’s Win Together” link to volunteer and donate.

Register to Vote

You won’t be allowed to vote in this very important election if you’re not registered, and we need your support. Start here to go to the South Carolina Election Commission Voter Registration page. It will only take a few minutes to register online.

You also have the opportunity to mail in your registration form or register at the county office.

Locate Your Polling Place

Now that you’re registered to vote and ready to make your voice heard, you need to know where to go! When you register to vote, you’re assigned an official polling place. Be sure you’re going to the right place on Election Day so your vote can be counted. Click the link below to find out where you need to go to cast your ballot on Election Day. 

Make a Difference

OK, so you’re registered to vote and you know where to go. Now what? 

We need your help and support to win on November 5th. Stand with Jumelle as a volunteer and make Greenwood (and the rest of South Carolina) a better place for our families, or donate to help Jumelle take back SC House District 12 in 2024.

Donate online or by mail now!

You can quickly and securely donate to Jumelle’s campaign by choosing an option below, or mail a check payable to JUMELLE FOR SC to:

Jumelle for SC
PO Box 49581
Greenwood, SC  29649








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News and Events

You are FREEDOM: Jumelle speaks to Morris Chapel Baptist Church on Juneteenth

We are freedom, we are success, we are growth, and we are PROSPERITY. 

I had the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at the 2nd Annual Juneteenth Breakfast at Morris Chapel Baptist Church – Greenwood, SC, and it was a true pleasure. It was an opportunity to remind my people that there has been a significant attempt to hide the best-kept secret for years, but the jig is up! We need to realize that we are freedom, we are success, we are growth, and we are prosperity! The best-kept secret was that we are the key to the future we want to see. We are catalysts. We can maneuver anything into a workable situation with a productive and profitable outcome. So be active in your community – with recognition or not. Get up early or stay up late to work on yourself – you do it for your job all the time. Be observant – if they are working to remove or block it, it is because it benefited the wrong population. Show up – being present is half the battle because they need to know we are watching and working.

It was you all along! You were to answer!

You are Freedom; now walk like you are free, succeed like you are free, grow like you are free, and prosper like you are free because you are FREE!!

Listen to the Podcast

We welcome Michael Layer, candidate for SCDP 3rd Vice Chair to our show! We interview him as well as dive deep into the committee hearings in Columbia, SC that have just kicked off. If you would rather watch this episode (and see all the clips we play) you can do so over on our YouTube...

Produced from Greenwood, SC – a little red county in a very red state! We discuss news and critical issues from “behind the lines” where freedoms are being stripped daily. Listen as Bill Kimler and Dr. Jumelle Brooks work to make sense of it all in an informative and entertaining manner!

How much longer until we win the election?






